We had a full house at our information evening on boilers and insulation last week. The packed agenda included the scary stuff about rising bills and rising global temperatures, then we had Dermot Barnes from Ecodomus talk about the ins and outs of new boilers and the different types of insulation. We talked about our Low Carbon Buying Scheme, then we had two inspirational case studies from local residents who have made huge improvements to the energy efficiency of their homes. Local suppliers/plumbers were on hand for questions and answers and there was a surprising amount of interest on the inner workings of the Viessmann boiler on display! You can see our database of (tried and tested) local suppliers of boilers/insulation/renewables at http://mhsgroup.ning.com/
Get inspired – Green Open Homes 2024
Thinking of retrofitting your home? Dreaming of building your own Passivhaus? Looking for ways to reduce energy bills, cut carbon emissions, future-proof your home and