Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone

NOTE: This project is now complete

Low Carbon Zone (LCZ) launch took place at the Muswell hill Primary School Februray 27th 2010. Scroll down through the photos to read about  the LCZ

Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone – LCZ

Haringey Council Fact Sheet – February 2010

Muswell Hill was selected by the Mayor of London in September 2009 to become one of 10 flagship Low Carbon Zones in the capital.

Low Carbon Zones is a community led approach to cutting the capital’s CO2 emissions. Ten London boroughs have won support and funding from the Mayor and GLA to create local Low Carbon Zones. These will provide model examples that can later be rolled out both within London and beyond.

The short-term aim of the scheme is to achieve a 20% reduction in carbon by 2012, contributing towards the Mayor’s target of a 60% cut in CO2 emissions by 2025. The longer-term ambition is for London to become the world’s environmentally friendly city.

The Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone project is being led by:

  • Muswell Hill Sustainability Group
  • En10ergy
  • Local resident associations
  • Haringey Council

Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone covers a small area of 900 residential properties, 30 businesses, 2 schools and various community buildings.

The funding provided for the scheme is limited to this area and surrounding schools.  However, many of the activities in the Low Carbon Zone, such as events and training, will be available to all residents in Muswell Hill.

Achieving a 20% Cut in CO2 by 2012

Who is involved?

Everyone is involved – schools, businesses, local residents and community groups.

How will the target be achieved?

  • Carrying out “whole house” retrofits to save energy and slash fuel bills
  • Greening community buildings, such as schools, businesses and community centres
  • Education and awareness raising to promote low carbon lifestyle choices
  • Local social enterprise En10ergy will encourage community participation in developing local sources of renewable energy

These are the expected carbon savings from the Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone project:

  • 14% from  energy efficiency in homes
  • 3.5% from behaviour change
  • 1% from  sustainable transport measures
  • 1% from  community buildings
  • 1% from  domestic micro renewable energy
  • 0.5% from energy efficiency in businesses

The Low Carbon Zone Timeline

February – March 2010

  • Public consultation through event, questionnaire and public meetings.

April 2010 – March 2012

  • Launch of whole house retrofit scheme (subsidy for those within the zone).
  • Local community groups working to promote sustainable lifestyles in the area, led by Muswell Hill Sustainability Group
  • Works carried out at local schools, community buildings and businesses to make them more energy efficient and install renewable energy technologies.
  • Zero Carbon Living Ark – a demonstration of low carbon building technologies will be installed and available for use by Muswell Hill community at large.
  • Personal carbon trading trials begin for Muswell Hill residents.
  • Launch of free environmental audits to businesses in the Zone.

Further Information and News

For the latest news and information on the Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone please visit the following websites: 

If you have any questions about the Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone project, please contact the Environmental Resources Team at Haringey Council by sending an email to or calling 020 8489 3489.