1 – Tomatoes
Many of us have some extra time on our hands so why not try growing some of your own food.
Now is the perfect time to get started with some tomatoes.
The variety I suggest starting with if you have never grown them before is a small bush tomato called “Tumbling Tom” which produces deliciously sweet cherry sized fruit. It requires little attention and knowhow once it is installed in a pot outside at the end of May.
The online seed companies are very busy at the moment as people launch into gardening with enthusiasm but there are still T.T. seeds for sale at Kings Seeds.
You will need to sow your seeds by mid April. Sow two seeds each in 7.5cm (3″) pots onto good quality peat-free compost. Cover with 1.5mm of compost and water lightly with a fine-rose watering can.
(When writing this, Sunshine Garden Centre had just announced that they would take orders for delivery of compost.)
Keep the compost moist, but be careful not to over-water as wet conditions can encourage mould. At a temperature of 21 degrees they usually germinate in 7 to 10 days. Once there are true leaves, (the first two will later die back) remove the smaller plant.
Position the pots in a light position indoors and water when the compost begins to dry out. Never let them sit in water. Move them outside in a sheltered place by mid May so they can get acclimatized to the wind and cooler nights. Growing several plants means you have a choice of the best to plant out.
A 26cm pot is ideal for one plant. They can also be grown in a hanging basket but will require a lot of watering. Feed weekly once the flowers appear. with tomato feed.
I grow two in large pots in full sun and they continue giving me sweet treats all summer and often well into Autumn.
If you want to give this a try and have any questions do contact me