Walt Patterson visits MHSGroup

Walt Patterson, Associate Fellow at Chatham House, author of "Keeping the Lights On" and guest speaker at the MHS Group's meeting on 3rd June 2010
Alan Morton in discussion with Walt Patterson.
Dermot Barnes raising an issue.

Walt Patterson is a distinguished scientist who has been campaigning since the 70s for better management of energy by end-use technology (in, for example, buildings and vehicles) rather than by putting fuel producers in competition with each other.  In a stimulating hour he described many ways in which energy could be better managed for climate security and gave as an example the concentration on local regeneration by Woking Council, ensuring that their lights stayed on when the rest of the South East had a blackout.  He stressed the importance of solar power and wind power in combination with a massive investment in buildings and the need to replace the use of central heating/air conditioning with thermal inertia.  There were many questions from members which he answered persuasively and wittily and this part of the evening closed with our warm thanks and a presentation of a share certificate by way of investment in en10ergy limited.

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